Pelvic Floor Therapy: Not Just for Women

Written by Kaela Frailing, DPT


Did you know that everyone can benefit from pelvic floor physical therapy? It’s a common misconception that pelvic floor therapy is only for women post-partum. If you have a pelvis and you’re having symptoms related to bowel, bladder, or sexual function, you can come see us for pelvic floor therapy! 

Common diagnoses that can are often seen in the male-bodied population include:

  • Urinary incontinence/urgency
  • Fecal incontinence/urgency
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain (penile and testicular pain)
    • Pain with intercourse
    • Pain with ejaculation
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Prostate cancer post-chemo/radiation
  • Pre/post-prostatectomy
  • And more!


If you have any questions or unsure if you could benefit from pelvic floor therapy, give our office a call at (269) 459-6212 to schedule a consultation today to further discuss a plan of care with a physical therapist.

Adaptive Equipment: Tools to Enhance Your Quality of Life (From an Occupational Therapist)

Written by, Fiona Song, MS, OTR/L, LSVT


Adaptive Equipment is an object or tool that promotes an individual’s independence in daily activities. Occupational Therapists (OT) can incorporate adaptive equipment education during treatments to enhance the performance of tasks that are meaningful to the individual. Adaptive equipment has its purpose across a broad range of conditions and ages that impact functionality. 

You may be wondering what the difference is between adaptive equipment and Durable Medical Equipment (DME).  DME is used for medical treatment and management that is usually covered by insurance. Some examples of DME include walkers, wheelchairs, hospital beds, and respiratory equipment. Adaptive equipment is meant to improve a person’s participation or independence, and is typically not covered by insurance. 

Here’s a short list of common adaptive equipment- 

  • Long-handled Reacher: This tool is excellent for multiple purposes! This reduces the need to bend over, and can be for reaching items that are on the ground or out of arm’s reach, and even for lower body dressing. 
  • Button Hook: Mainly used to fasten/unfasten buttons on shirts, dresses, cuffs, etc. This is a great tool for someone that has trouble with fine motor tasks, or only the use of one hand. Some button hooks also come with a zipper hook on the other end too!
  • Hand Held Shower Heads: This showerhead is attached by a longer cord/hose that can be taken down by the individual, and can be aimed wherever you need it. A great product for even caregivers to rinse with ease or even help an individual bathe independently, by allowing them to clean effectively while seated.
  • Toothpaste/Soap Dispensers: This is a great option that can be placed in the bathroom. An easy press button reduces the demand it can be to hold and squeeze a bottle. This option is great for someone with weak grip or only able to use one hand.
  • Dycem: This is one of my favorites-  A dual sided non-slip material that is used to stabilize objects. This is great for preventing plates from sliding off the table, and it’s great to improve your grip needed for opening jars or bottles. Dycem can be cut to whatever desired size to fit all needs! 
  • Built-up Handles: Thicker and wider handles can be placed on a wide range of utensils, such as- silverware, hair brushes, toothbrushes, and pens. A built up handle can ease the use of these items if there is a weakened grip/pinch or fine motor coordination. 

This list could go on and on, and adaptive equipment is continuously expanding. If you have questions about Occupational Therapy or how adaptive equipment could help you, schedule a consultation with our Occupational Therapist today by calling 269-459-6212!

Examples of Adaptive Equipment

Bell’s Palsy and Facial Palsy

Bell’s palsy causes a peripheral lower motor neuron palsy, which manifests as the unilateral impairment of movement in the facial and platysma muscles, drooping of the brow and corner of the mouth, and impaired closure of the eye and mouth. Bell’s phenomenon—upward diversion of the eye on attempted closure of the lid—is seen when eye closure is incomplete.

Increasing evidence implies that the leading cause of Bell’s palsy is latent herpes viruses (herpes simplex virus type 1 and herpes zoster virus), which are reactivated from cranial nerve ganglia. Sensitive polymerase chain reaction techniques have isolated herpes virus DNA from the facial nerve during acute palsy. Inflammation of the nerve initially results in reversible neurapraxia, but ultimately Wallerian degeneration ensues.  (Holland, JN, Weiner GM ( 2004) Recent developments in Bells Palsy. BMJ  Sep 4; 329(7465): 553–557)

Facial palsy affects upper motor neuron palsy which causes paralysis of the lower half of one side of the face. Though the prognosis is not 100% , some recovery may be possible if seen early.

How do we treat Bell’s Palsy at Rehab Specialists?

A comprehensive patient evaluation includes testing facial expressions, speech,  and sensory testing.

  • Proprioceptive  neuro-muscular reeducation

  • Facial reeducation exercises

  • Stimulation of facial muscles using galvanic/faradic current

  • Microcurrent point stimulation of the facial nerve (MPS)

  • Muscle activation techniques

  • Taping

  • Mobilization of TMJ and cervical spine if needed

  • A comprehensive facial home exercise program


At Rehab Specialists, our specialty-trained therapists have treated more than 200 patients with Bell’s Palsy, successfully restoring normal facial expressions, sensations, and normal speech.

Call us at 269-459-6212 or request an appointment via the website to see if you would benefit from our treatment. For those not able to travel to the clinic, tele-medicine may be available. Call us to learn more!


Before-treatment and after-treatment pictures:




Bell’s Palsy and Facial Palsy Therapy In Portage and Kalamazoo

Hand Injury Prevention

Whether we are using our hands during athletics, working around the house/yard or to complete the demands of our jobs; our hands endure strain and stress on a daily basis. These daily activities can often lead to preventable injuries. Preventing hand injuries starts with knowledge and a few simple tips:

1. Perform daily stretches/warm-ups: Stretching the hands, wrists and elbows improves range of motion in the joints, increases blood flow and allows for smooth gliding of the tendons. Stretching and warming up either dynamically or statically will reduce the risk of muscle and tendon injuries. 

2. Increase Strength and flexibility: Strength training helps to improve muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. By incorporating a few hand and wrist exercises into your exercise routine you will be reducing the risk for injury to muscles, tendons and ligaments. 

3. Use proper equipment: Consider purchasing ergonomic tools in order to reduce the risk of injury. Ergonomic tools promote proper hand positioning, which results in decreased demands on the muscles and tendons. Some examples would be:

4. Be mindful of proper technique: It is important to pay attention to your body mechanics. Keep your wrists in a neutral position (not bent up or down for prolonged periods) and avoid repetitively bending the wrists. Place yourself close to the equipment you are working at to avoid awkward wrist and hand positions. And, pay close attention to proper technique with hands, wrists and elbows during sports activities. 

5. Avoid overuse: An overuse injury comes from constant repetitive movements and stress on a body part. If you are starting to feel fatigue and pain in your hands or wrists, it is important to stop and take a break. Learn to listen to your body and do not avoid these warning signs that your body is being overworked!

6. Schedule frequent breaks: As a rule of thumb, stand up and move around for at least 30 seconds for every 30 minutes that you sit at a desk job. If you are working on a repetitive task such as shoveling or raking, stop every 30 minutes for a short break.

It is important to listen to your body and pay attention to any pain you may have in your hands or wrists. If you are experiencing pain for greater than three weeks, it is a sign that you may need to seek medical assistance. Remember, pain is your body’s way of indicating that something is wrong and it should not be ignored. If hand or wrist pain persists, it is recommended that you see a hand therapist or your medical provider.


Could Your Shoes Be Causing Your Back or Leg Pain?

Written by Dr. John Stephen, PT, PPD, Cert. MDT, COMT
Clinic Director, Rehab Specialists


Low back pain can be a debilitating condition and it affects millions of people worldwide. While there are many potential causes of this condition, one factor that is often overlooked is the types of shoes that we wear.

The shoes we choose to wear can have a significant impact on our posture and the way we walk, which in turn can contribute to low back or leg pain. Let’s explore the connection between shoes and low back pain in more detail!

How Shoes Affect Your Posture

When we walk, our feet absorb the impact of each step we take. The way our feet hit the ground can affect the alignment of the rest of our body, including our hips and spine.

Wearing shoes with heels that are too high or too low can alter the way we walk, causing us to compensate for the lack of support. High heels, for example, force the feet into an unnatural position, putting extra pressure on the lower back. On the other hand, shoes that are too flat or lack arch support can cause the feet to roll inward, leading to overpronation, which can also cause low back pain.

Choosing the Right Shoes for Low Back Pain

If you suffer from low back, hip/knee or ankle pain, it’s important to choose shoes that provide adequate support and promote good posture. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when shopping for shoes:

  1. Look for shoes with good arch support. This can help prevent overpronation and keep your feet in a neutral position. Most shoe manufacturers have groups of shoes that are meant for stability and would be a good choice for people with low or fallen arches. Look for the search bar on their websites and search the keyword “stability” to help find those options.
  2. If you have a high arch or tend to supinate (walk on the outsides of your feet), it is best to choose a neutral shoe. These types of shoes provide the right amount of support and cushioning for those with high, rigid arches. Additionally, there are different levels of cushioning available in neutral shoes to suit your preferences on how responsive (low) or how soft (high) you want your ride to be.
  3. Choose shoes with a low heel. While high heels may be fashionable, they can contribute to low back pain by putting extra pressure on the lumbar spine.
  4. Avoid shoes that are too flat. Shoes without adequate arch support can cause the feet to roll inward, which can contribute to low back pain.
  5. Consider shoes with a cushioned sole. This can help absorb shock and reduce the impact on your lower back.
  6. Make sure your shoes fit properly. Shoes that are too tight or too loose can cause you to change your gait, leading to low back pain.
  7. Make sure not to use the shoes for more than 1 year (everyday use).
  8. Consider wearing supportive sandals while at home. 
  9. Buying expensive shoes doesn’t necessarily mean that they are good for you.  
  10.  A custom or off-the-shelf orthotic may be beneficial in cases where you wear a work boot, dress shoes or in shoes worn in high-impact sports.

Now, look at your shoes. Are they wearing out more on one side or near the heel? 

Imagine your car’s tires wearing unevenly. If you replace your tires without aligning or balancing them, they will wear out faster. If you have been suffering from foot/ankle, knee, or hip pain, have a professional look at your foot alignment before getting new shoes. 

In conclusion, the shoes we wear can have a significant impact on our posture and the way we walk. Choosing shoes that provide adequate support and promote good posture may help alleviate low back and leg pain and prevent future pain episodes. If you have low back pain that has lasted more than two weeks, do not ignore it. Most low back issues may resolve within a week with activity modifications and NSAIDS (anti inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen).  If you suffer from chronic low back pain, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional who specializes in the spine to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan. 

Blood Flow Restriction

Blood flow restriction therapy is a recent “hot topic” in Physical Therapy. Blood flow restriction or BFR is a type of training technique that blocks blood flow to a muscle which, through cellular processes, creates protein metabolism and muscle hypertrophy or growth. 

One of the greatest benefits to using BFR is the fact that one can achieve clinically significant strength improvements. These improvements are traditionally seen through high intensity/high volume training, but can be achieved with low intensity exercise when in combination with BFR. In the physical therapy world, this can be a useful tool for those who may be unable to tolerate high load, but require strengthening or stabilization to aid in pain reduction such as those suffering from chronic pain. 

At this time, there are multiple different indications for using BFR in rehab such as post-operative recovery including knee replacement and ACL reconstruction. Blood flow restriction has even been shown to be beneficial in rock climbing! Rehab Specialists therapists are active in learning the evidence based research on BFR to be able to provide safe and effective treatment to their patients.

Additional Resources:

Vision Therapy after a Brain Injury: The Role of an Occupational Therapist

Millions of people every year are diagnosed with a Brain Injury.  Brain Injuries can be classified as Traumatic or Non-Traumatic.

Traumatic Brain Injuries can result from:

  • Falls
  • Assaults
  • Motor Vehicle Accident
  • Sports Injuries

Non Traumatic Brain Injuries can result from a result of lack of oxygen, exposure to toxins or pressure from tumors etc.

  • Stroke
  • Aneurysm
  • Tumor 

No matter how mild or severe the symptoms are many people will experience visual disturbances of some kind.  These may include: 

  • Blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Eye strain, eye fatigue or headaches from reading or doing close work
  • Words move around or appear to float when doing close work
  • Lose your place when reading; skip words or the entire line
  • Frequently bump into objects on one side of the body or fail to see an object on one side of the body (visual field deficit)
  • Feeling anxious in crowded environments

An Occupational Therapist trained to evaluate your visual concerns can work with you to develop a treatment plan to help you improve on your daily activities.  The therapist may make recommendations on adaptations and changes to the environment such as increase the lighting in the room, enlarge the print on the computer, choose larger print books.  In the case of a visual field deficit (impairment to the peripheral field) the therapist can teach you compensatory strategies to improve on your visual search skills to prevent you from bumping into objects. Many strategies and exercises can be utilized to improve on reading skills and up close work as well.   The therapist may also recommend you see either an Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist for corrective lenses or prisms to reduce double vision, blurry vision or improve on how clearly you are seeing near or distant objects. 

 I have 20 years experience working as an Occupational Therapist and have extra training in this area of working with visual deficits following a Brain Injury.  I would love to help you return to doing the activities that are so meaningful to you.

Incontinence Post Childbirth

By, Courtney Huver, DPT

Having urinary leakage pre and post childbirth is common, but it is definitely not normal! This includes leakage with coughing, sneezing, laughing, and exercising, and yes even jumping on the kids’ trampoline. About 1 in 4 women have reported this common pelvic floor dysfunction and reports keep getting higher with more awareness of this issue. Pregnancy and giving birth puts increased tension throughout the pelvic floor muscles which increases the urge to urinate and decreases the amount of control you have of the muscles around your bladder. The good news is that pelvic floor physical therapy is able to help eliminate and prevent issues such as urinary leakage- this means no more crossing your legs every time you cough and sneeze or wearing a pad “just in case.” Traditionally, after having a baby people were told to “keep doing your kegels”… however, research is showing that kegels are no longer the only answer and can actually increase the risk of urinary incontinence. It is recommended that after your 6 week postpartum follow up that you get checked by a pelvic floor physical therapist to see if you have any dysfunction that could be eliminated early on. You can even see a pelvic floor PT years down the road after having kids or if you have similar issues and have never given birth.

Importance of Running Mechanics

Knee and hip pain are common complaints amongst runners. However, pain in one area does not always mean there is an injury in that same area. Our bodies are all connected and this is amplified with running due to the high level of impact involved in this sport. 

There are 5 main classifications of running impairments as described by RunDNA. These include: Collapser, Weaver, Bouncer, Glute Amnesiac, and Over Strider. Individuals may fall into one or multiple different categories. Determining which classification you may be can be done  through gait analysis. This is beneficial to treating your specific pain and re-training correct running mechanics. 

While there are hundreds of muscles essential to running, there are certain ones that are “extra” important for both stabilizing and moving. Physical therapy aids in assessing weak muscle groups, reveals any abnormal length/tension relationships, and can find range of motion deficits needed for efficient and pain-free running. 

If you are a runner and struggling to maintain or reach your goals due to pain, Rehab Specialists can offer a free consultation or evaluation today (call 269-459-6212 to schedule!).

Lingering Shoulder Pain? Learn Why!

You’re probably reading this because at some point in your life you’ve had shoulder pain, or maybe because you have shoulder pain now that hasn’t gotten better.

Shoulder pain is very common among adults of all ages. Persistent shoulder pain can result from bursitis, tendinitis, rotator cuff tear, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), impingement syndrome, avascular necrosis, osteoarthritis (OA), other causes of degenerative joint disease or from a current or past traumatic injury.

The rotator cuff of the shoulder is made up of four muscles. Tendons of these muscles come together to form a cuff around the head of the upper arm bone (humerus) and top of the shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are important stabilizers and movers of the shoulder joint. As the name implies, the rotator cuff functions to allow you to rotate your shoulder and lift your arm.

Some shoulder conditions may have complex causes, but they can usually be diagnosed on the basis of medical history, a physical examination consisting of special tests including range of motion and strength tests. Although a $3,000 MRI may confirm that you have a partial tear, it is not always necessary as it will not change the outcome.

Rotator cuff tendonitis is the inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons and muscles that help move your shoulder joint. This injury typically occurs over time, usually as a result of keeping your shoulder in a single position for a prolonged period (such as sleeping on your shoulder every night or keeping your hand under your head), by doing repeated overhead work-related activities, or repetitive athletic activities such as basketball, baseball, wrestling, tennis, etc.

A rotator cuff tear can be either partial or complete. A partial tear is when one of the tendons of the rotator cuff is frayed or damaged. A complete tear (also called a full-thickness tear) is when the tendon is severed in half or pulled completely off of the bone. Rotator cuff tears can occur over time from repeated wear and tear or as an acute traumatic injury such as a fall on the arm/shoulder, heavy lifting, car accidents, starting a lawnmower, or sudden reaching behind to grab something from the back seat.

Another common cause of shoulder pain that is often missed is that your shoulder pain may be coming from your neck. If that’s the case, your shoulder x-ray and MRI would look normal which can lead to more frustration, especially when a medical provider tells you that there is nothing wrong.

Physical therapy is a clinically proven conservative method of treating shoulder and neck issues. Multiple studies validate the effectiveness of PT for shoulder pain and how it can prevent unnecessary surgeries. A good physical therapist should be focused on treating the root cause of the pain rather than just treating the symptoms.

Experiencing shoulder pain? Try doing the exercise in the picture below:

Shoulder Pain Test

  1. Take the arm on the affected side and reach over your head and behind your neck to touch your shoulder blade on the opposite side.
  2. Next, take the arm on the affected side and reach below your neck and behind your back to touch your shoulder blade.

If you are not able to reach all the way or if the pain is preventing you from doing so, it is indicative of possible rotator cuff injury.

Now try moving your shoulders up, sideways, and try bending your neck down… if the pain in your shoulder increases, it’s possible that your neck may be the cause of your pain.

Either way, pain is the body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. I often find
people trying to diagnose their pain by using google, which can often lead to people making mistakes that may make their pain worse. The biggest mistake people make is to ignore the pain or to alter it by taking pain killers, narcotics, or steroid injections. By seeing a specialty-trained physical therapist right away, you may prevent costly surgeries, worsened injuries, or permanent damage to your shoulders.