Knee and hip pain are common complaints amongst runners. However, pain in one area does not always mean there is an injury in that same area. Our bodies are all connected and this is amplified with running due to the high level of impact involved in this sport.
There are 5 main classifications of running impairments as described by RunDNA. These include: Collapser, Weaver, Bouncer, Glute Amnesiac, and Over Strider. Individuals may fall into one or multiple different categories. Determining which classification you may be can be done through gait analysis. This is beneficial to treating your specific pain and re-training correct running mechanics.
While there are hundreds of muscles essential to running, there are certain ones that are “extra” important for both stabilizing and moving. Physical therapy aids in assessing weak muscle groups, reveals any abnormal length/tension relationships, and can find range of motion deficits needed for efficient and pain-free running.
If you are a runner and struggling to maintain or reach your goals due to pain, Rehab Specialists can offer a free consultation or evaluation today (call 269-459-6212 to schedule!).